Monday, 3 December 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E09

"Holy Matrimony!"

I was very worried about if Scotty would leave again. Kevin sometimes lacks his delicacy, he sometimes looses to think about how they feel about.

Anyways, why are the McAllisters so giving a cold shoulder to Kevin? They don't know the reason why Kevin left Jason, do they?

Kevin: Well, that was unpleasant. So, just ah, just be good to Kitty.
McCallister: Better than you were to my brother?
Kevin: That's unfair.
McCallister: He is half a world away trying to make a difference with his life. He is all alone and you dump him. Now it's none of my business, so I'm going to get through this. I'm gonna be cordial. And that's what we should do for Kitty's sake.
Kevin: Of course.

I know, it's not nice to dump someone on the phone. But does anybody know about Kevin called Jason twice a day and never got call back from him? I think it isn't also nice Jason have never called back, even if Jason has any reason for not calling back, it's not only Kevin's fault.
At the guest register place, Scotty is talking about the guest notebook with their Polaroid on. He didn't like his picture much, but Kevin doesn't stop complaining about the McAallisters treating him badly.

Kevin: You know, I'm done justifying this breakup.
Scotty: Then don't.
Kevin: Well, why am I the bad guy? You know, I didn't set out to hurt Jason. What... You know I'm not the only one to blame here. In fact, he's...
Scotty: Okay, enough! Done. Stop! I'm not here as a friend to listen to you endlessly go on about your ex-boyfriend. Because however you define what we are, we're not platonic anymore. And the fact that you're willing to obsess over Jason...
Kevin: I'm not obsessed. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.
Scotty: I'm gonna take a walk.

Kevin! You should respect your boyfriend more! You always think about yourself. No, actually your role in the Walkers, you always takes care of others, so that's why you are always clumsy at your love life.
And after Kitty's wedding at Kevin's flat.

Kevin: Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, I was, I was the worst date today.
Scotty: "Date" implies you actually see the person.
Kevin: I know. I Just... You know, I didn't know Jason's family were gonna get to me like that.
Scotty: Get to you? You were making death threats.
Kevin: Oh, yeah, come on, yeah, do I look like an assassin? You can't get mad at me for being upset at a bunch of people I don't even know, acting like I'm the gay guy who doesn't know how to commit.
Scotty: Then why did you stand there telling everyone we're still trying to define the word "we"?
Kevin: Because you said you wanted to take things slow, Scotty.
Scotty: You're not over him, Kev. At least that's what it feels like to me.
Kevin: Okay, maybe I'm not over Jason completely, but I am getting there. Scotty, I wanna be with you.
Scotty: Me, too. But sometimes just because you want something, doesn't mean it's possible.

Nooooooooooo! Scotty, don't dump Kevin, pleeeeeeese. I really want them together.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

The Readers' Choice: The Top 25 Gay TV Characters


Readers' Choice: The Top 25 Gay TV Characters Revealed!

Monday, 26 November 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E08

"Something New"

This episode is also my favourite. Scotty and Kevin become closer again. I think that it is very loveable that Scotty tries not to relate seriously to Kevin. He tries to push Kevin back to Jason, he pretends it wasn't a big deal.

Kevin: That doesn't look safe.
Scotty: It lowers you blood pressure.
Kevin: Yap. So does a glass of wine, with far less risk of paralysis.

I like Scotty's shirt. Actually he wore it a couple of times more, in Season 1 Episode 4 and Season 3 Episode 10. Anyway Kevin asks Scotty as his date for Kitty's wedding.

Scotty: Oh, how appealing. A spite invite?
Kevin: No! Yes. A little. You know going to a wedding alone is torture.
Scotty: What about Jason?
Kevin: Reverend "God-Forbid-I-Call-You-Back" won't be there.
Scotty: Yeah, but his brother, Robert, will. What will he think?
Kevin: Who cares? Mia Tello's is catering.
Kevin: They're serving those little Gorgonzola and potato pizzas with saffron and sage.
Scotty: You had me at gorgonzola.
Kevin: Thought so.

Scotty! You were caught by Mia Tello's Gognzola and potate pizzas.
Then next day, perhaps, Scotty comes back from work with 'Sebastian'.

Kevin: Light some candles, I'll be right back.
Scotty: Oh, candles? I mean, it's just takeout when you think of it.
Kevin: Yeah, sure, yeah, sure. No candles. Ah, well, we can still have champagne, right?
Scotty: Sure.

And... After eating lobster

Scotty: Kevin.
Kevin: Umm.
Scotty: Kevin, go to bed.
Kevin: Actually, could you take your foot out? It's digging right....
Scotty: Oh, sorry.

Scotty:I should go to my air mattress.
Kevin: Yeah, you should.

I want to see it more!!! I love this scene. I probably watched this scene more then 50 times.

Kevin: Look, about last night...
Scotty: You don't have to say anything. I know what happened, you were vulnerable. Your boyfriend's a million miles away and I was a warm body after a lobster dinner. Add champagne and voilà. Mistake sex.
Kevin: What if it wasn't a mistake?
Scotty: Kevin, you don't have to make me feel better by turning yesterday's nostalgic sex romp into something that it wasn't.
Kevin: I'm not. Believe me, I'm not.
Kevin: Look, I know how I feel. So just let me feel that way. It hurts.
Scotty: Hey, it'll be all right, I promise.
Kevin: I'm not so sure.

Scotty tries to pretend it wasn't a big deal. He tries to push Kevin back to Jason. Kevin already realises how he loves Scotty, I guess.
At Kevin's office, he gets a phone call from Jason. He says he missed Jason, and also says Kevin needs to talk about something to Jason. We don't know how Kevin told him about Scotty though anyhow he did. When Kevin comes back home, Scotty is packing his stuffs.

Kevin: Cleaning or packing?
Scotty: Packing. A friend offered me her couch. I think it'll be easier this way.
Kevin: Yeah, you're right. It will be easier. But difficult is sometimes good, you know? Forces you to do things you didn't think you could.
Scotty: Oh, we can do it, Kevin. We always seem to end up doing it. What we never seem to understand is that it gets us nowhere.
Kevin: I finally spoke with Jason.
Scotty: Good, I'm glad, I...
Kevin: I broke up with him.
Scotty: Kevin, why do you always have to be such a drama queen? So he didn't call you for a couple of weeks.
Kevin: It's not that. Scotty, when I first met you, I thought we were too...
Scotty: Kevin, if you're about to romanticise what we had, just...
Kevin: I'm not. That's the whole point. Because what we had was.... It was messy. You know? We were hot and cold and back and forth. All ovet the place. But I wanna be back there with you. Because I wanna be honest about who I am.
Scotty: Did you tell Jason we slept together?
Kevin: Yes, I did. Look, I know I'm asking way too much of you. But like I said, easy isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I love this conversation. I want to have that one. Of course with Scotty.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E07

"36 Hours"

Basically this episode is about detox of Justin. All we know is the fact that Jason never calls back to Kevin and the fact of Saul's sexual orientation.
There is no Scotty though, you can see his letter to Kevin saying

with some foods, I guess this meant a lot for Kevin.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E06

"Two Places"

Scotty wearing glasses is priceless!!

Kevin: Ah, Jason, I've tried every number you've given me, and I know I'm about to leave you the worst answering machine message in history. But I don't have a choice. Umm, there's no wedding, because there's no baby. Kitty had a miscarriage... so I'm sure Robert would love to hear from you. I'd love to hear from you. Anyway I hope you are okay, Bye.
Scotty: I'm really sorry.
Kevin: Yeah. Me, too.
Scotty: Is there anything I can do?
Kevin: Yeah, you can deflate the mattress when you leave. I tripped on it earlier, almost killed myself.
Scotty: I'm serious, Kevin. After everything you've done for me.
Kevin: No. No, there is nothing. Thank you for the thought, though.

The beginning of their relationship again, but this time is different. It should be. I don't understand why Jason doesn't call back to Kevin.

Scotty: Well, if you're feeling romantic about him, The Thorn Birds. If you're angry at him, The Exorcist. And if you're just in the mood for a good time, and my personal favorite, Glitter.
Kevin: Let's start with The Exorcist.

So, Kevin is mad at Jason. Of course I understand, because he never calls back.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E04

"States of the Union"
Scotty: Saul?!
Saul: ....
Scotty: Scotty, I'm Kevin's ex. We met last year at Nora's. The most awkward dinner party ever. The one with the fantastic mango peach salsa.
Saul: Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, I remember her dinner party, yeah. No. Thank you. Nice to see you, Scotty.

"I'm Kevin's ex" I love his way of saying. How cute he is! After this event, he invites Kevin to a dinner again because of sort of payment. Kevin doesn't feel comfortable talking about Saul as a gay person, I guess. Then he tries to ask details about that to Scotty, but Scotty feels a little untrusted.

Scotty: Why do I feel like I'm being cross-examined.

Kevin visits Saul's office and asks about the gay party at Milo Peterman's house. Kevin suspects Saul might be gay, and also he is a little pissed off because he could help him when he was younger.

Kevin: You know when I came out? You saw how Dad treated me. Made me feel like he was doing some huge favour allowing me to remain part of my own family. You could've stuck up for me.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E03

"History Repeating"

I love Scotty's this line.

Scotty: You are my hero!!!

Anyway I like Scotty in this episode a lot. He is very cute in a shirt that he is wearing when he shows up at Kevin's office. Also the way he appears is quite charming. He knows Kevin immediately finds he used alias, but he wants Kevin as a lawyer. Of course Scotty doesn't want to ask other lawyer, even if he doesn't have a situation with payment, I guess.

Kevin: Wow, Scotty. Ah, why... why the subterfuge?
Scotty: I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd take the meeting given how weird things were last time we met.
Kevin: You know what, I'm.. look, I'm sorry. I should, I should never have slept with you that night, it was, it was really wrong.
Scotty: Well, it's not like you drugged me.
Kevin: So, is everything Okay?
Scotty: No, Kevin. I need a lawyer, preferably one who might be flexible about payment.
Kevin: Okay, what happened? Did you get nabbed shoplifting mascara and a thong?

Uhmmm, Kevin, it's not nice, you are offensive to Scotty. And after court, Scotty invites Kevin to a dinner and when Scotty leans to Kevin to kiss him, he takes back. I think Kevin should have mentioned to Scotty first that he is in a relationship. I like Jason, much much better than Chad, of course, I want Scotty to be Kevin's boyfriend though.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Brothers & Sisters S1E14

"Valentine's Day Massacre"

Scotty looks so sexy with his short hair.

Scotty: My gaydar just redlined. How do you know Michelle again?
Kevin: I do boot camp with her.
Scotty: No, you do boot camp with him.
Kevin: I miss you sometimes.
Scotty: Me too, .....sometimes.

Wow, pretty cute conversation. I wanna have such conversation even if he is not my boyfriend.

Scotty: Oh, so last night was about making someone else jealous.
Kevin: I don't know.
Scotty: Well, it obviously worked. You know, you almost have to love the irony. You're right where I was with you a few months ago.
Kevin: And you ended things with me, Scotty.
Scotty: Now you know how hard it is to love someone who doesn't love himself. I feel sorry for you. Good luck, Kevin.

It didn't go further unfortunately, I want Scotty with Kevin.