Sneak Peek from S4E11.
Luke Macfarlane (Since Brothers & Sisters has been cancelled, I hope we can share something new about Luke, soon.)
Monday, 28 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E10
I love the scene where Scotty tells Julia that it's the time when she has to forgive Tommy.
Side Dish - 7th Dec.
Last week at San Estephe as we were prepping for the evening's dinner service we had a young visitor in the kitchen: our saucier Steve's 8-year old son Ricky had stopped by with his mother. In that way only kids can, he announced that he was thirsty so I offered to get him a drink.
"Are you going to use that soda gun thingy?" Ricky asked, his eyes lighting up.
I replied: "I wanted to do it yourself." You would have thought I had just told him he never had to do his homework again. He was ecstatic.
Ricky insisted on doing the whole thing himself – he took a cup, filled it with ice and then used the soda gun to make a "Secret Recipe" drink, which as far as I could tell, was made by pushing every button on the soda gun at least once. While he was proudly adjusting the ratio of Root Beer to Tonic Water, his mom yelled to him: "Ricky, stop playing with that! We're leaving." He secretly squirted the root beer a few more times, took one final taste and proudly nodded his approval to me as he and his mom walked out.
As I went back to work I realized that my own culinary journey was the direct result of ignoring anyone who told me not to play with my food. My earliest recipes were all the result of my wandering into my parents' kitchen and playing with whatever we had on hand. Even now developing recipes is nothing but a slightly more elaborate and socially acceptable version of playing with my food. And while most of my kitchen accidents ended up in the trash (R.I.P. Citrus Fruit Stir Fry), some ended up on the menu at San Estephe.
When a kid plays with his food he's called "rambunctious." When a chef does it, he's called "innovative."
Legend says that Coca-Cola, potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, the French Dip sandwich, and even cheese are all foods that came about by chance; by adults who didn't listen to their mothers growing up.
Even this morning as Kevin and I drove down Wilshire Blvd I came across yet another example of people playing with their food...this time, for a great cause. CanstructionLA is a competition between LA's leading architects, engineers and designers who built enormous sculptures all out of cans of food.
The structures were put on display in the building lobby at 5900 Wilshire Blvd for people to enjoy and, after two weeks, all the canned food is donated to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Last year they raised 62,000 cans and this year it looked like even more. That's the kind of playing with your food we can all get behind.
While there is something to be said for having kids (and adults!) being well behaved, there is also something to be said for the brilliant wit of discovery that kids seem to best embody.
So what did I do when I got back to the kitchen?? I picked up a glass, filled it with ice and sprayed every flavor from the soda gun into the cup. Maybe Ricky was on to something. Maybe this drink would be the new Shirley Temple. Of course, we'd have to rename it after a modern child star: The Abigail Breslin? The Dakota Fanning? The Dora the Explorer?
I took a long sip, swirling it in my mouth like the finest of wines and promptly decided it would pair perfectly with my Citrus Fruit Stir Fry. In the trashcan. That's the thing about playing with your food. Sometimes you invent the potato chip and sometimes you invent a soda combination that could strip wallpaper. But you never know until you try.
Here is a special "treat" that I dug up for you: my stir-fry recipe from when I was 9 years old. I like to think I've grown as a chef since then.
Scotty's Stir-Fry
Scotty Wandell (at 9 years old)
2 Oranges
1 Grapefruit
3 spoons of soy sauce
1 onion
1 piece of garlic
1 spoon of peanut oil
2 spoons of vinegar
1 packet of powdered cheese from box of macaroni and cheese*
* To a 9-year old, everything will taste better if it tastes like macaroni and cheese. This proves not to be true.
1. Heat the oil in a wok or skillet.
2. Add chopped onion and garlic, letting both sweat out.
3. Throw in cut up oranges and grapefruit (feel free to add other citrus will taste like crap either way!)
4. Pour in the vinegar and soy sauce, tossing to coat everything well.
5. When heated through, mix in the powdered cheese.
6. Put it on a plate.
7. Throw the plate in the garbage.
On a final note, as some of you know a lot is going on in my family right now and I need to be there for them. So Happy Holidays and I'll see you all in the New Year!
Monday, 30 November 2009
Side Dish - 30th Nov.
I see gourmet cupcake shops everywhere these days and feel like I'm always hearing from one friend or another about some insanely good cupcake they've just eaten. It seems that the cake in its classic sliced form has been demoted; the cupcake is the confection of our time.
Cake is more stuffy, formal and reserved for "functions." Unencumbered by the fork and plate, the cupcake is really another expression of our freedom. It is the desert of the masses, offering something for all occasions and people. Today, you're as likely to find the ubiquitous treat at a wedding as you are at a child's birthday party, as the energy-boosting study group snack or the forbidden sweet that derails a diet, eaten in secret behind the boiler in the basement.
And flavors? Vanilla and chocolate are so 1983. How about a cupcake that tastes like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup? Why drink a Pina Colada when you can eat a pineapple cupcake with a rum/coconut cream cheese frosting? I even saw a $4 cupcake meant to look and taste like a Hostess cupcake. This is what we've come to: Cupcake-flavored cupcakes. How meta.
Don't get me wrong. I love eating cupcakes almost as much as I love making them. And as some of you know, I bake a mean cupcake. Back when I had that toucan hairdo, I even toyed with the idea of opening an overpriced (I mean "gourmet") cupcake shop of my very own. When I first met Kevin, his sister invited me to a party at their house and did I bring flowers or wine? No. I brought the one thing that I knew would win him over if my charm and good looks failed: red velvet cupcakes. They were both rich and sweet. I, on the other hand, was just sweet.
Sure when I first bit into a Creamsicle Cupcake or a Grape Bubble Gum Cupcake or even a Chipotle Chocolate Cupcake with Maple Glazed Bacon I knew I was tasting something special. But (and I never say this about things with bacon in them) I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. It's hard to believe that a cupcake the size of a softball could be missing anything, but after the initial excitement faded and my blood sugar levels returned to normal I was left feeling like they were all show and no substance. The Paris Hilton of desserts.
I'll take one of my mom's cupcakes – which she made from a box – any day. I envy pastry chefs' patience and their eye towards precision and perfection, but when my mom made cupcakes she had to find the time in her busy day to do it. She did it out of love. So maybe that's what's missing. Maybe that's why I made red velvet cupcakes for Kevin rather than buying a dozen at Crumbs. My cupcake might, at first glance, have seemed like one I could get at a store; they both would have had the same colors, textures and taste. Maybe the difference, as corny as it sounds, is love. I guess you could say I was looking for love at first bite.
Red Velvet Cupcakes Recipe
2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 tablespoons red food coloring*
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon vinegar
1 cup buttermilk**
* You can also substitute beet juice or beet puree to achieve the red color and retain some moisture.
**If you don't have buttermilk you can add a tablespoon of distilled white vinegar to milk and let it stand for 10-12 minutes.
Cream-Cheese Frosting
8 ounces cream cheese (one bar)
1/2 pound unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups confectioner's sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
(Optional) Cupcake toppers or colored sugar
Preheat oven to 325° F. Line muffin tins with wrappers. Mix all dry ingredients together. Mix all the wet ingredients together. Combine the wet and dry mixtures together thoroughly. Fill each wrapper about two-thirds full will batter. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Let them cool completely. (This is hard for Kevin!)
Mix all the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Slowly add confectioner's sugar, mixing as you go. Next, add the vanilla extract. Frost cupcakes the cupcakes and sprinkle with colored sugar or cupcake toppers.
Makes about 24.
Brothers & Sisters S4E09
This episode is directed by Matthew Rhys.
I love their conversation at the clinic.
Scotty: Will you come with me?And I like his line on the phone,
Kevin: No, it's a clinic, not a motel.
Kevin: I'm waiting for my husband to finish masturbating.Hilarious!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Matthew Rhys was on the View
There were nothing related with Luke, but Matthew Rhys was on the View on 24th November. Just only once the name Scotty came up.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Side Dish - 23rd Nov.
This week has been particularly cold for LA. I imagine that this is what autumn in New England feels like: the approaching cold, coming indoors rosy-cheeked after a pickup football game, raking colored leaves into piles and drinking hot mulled apple cider.
"I can see my breath," Kevin demonstrated with characteristic gruff as we left the house this morning to head over to his mother Nora's house. So much for global warming. When we got to Nora's, Kevin was still complaining about the cold and so I got an idea. One quick look at Nora's pantry assured me that she would not miss a few ingredients (and we all know how expensive nutmeg is!), so while everyone was in the other room undoubtedly spilling secrets they had promised to keep, I slipped into the kitchen and raided Nora's pantry.
I filled the crockpot with about a gallon of apple cider and stirred in 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Then I stuck about 20-25 whole cloves into the skin of 1/2 an apple cut into wedges and 1 whole orange.
To the apple and orange, I added 2 whole nutmegs, 3 cinnamon sticks, 4 pieces of crystallized ginger wrapped it all in cheesecloth and dropped it into the crock pot, topping it off with the rest of the gallon of cider.You can use other spices too star anise, lemon zest or allspice berries, for example but make sure you use whole spices; ground spices will leave the cider gritty and cloudy. Let this simmer for a few hours, enjoying the autumnal aromas as they fill your house.
Next, pour a healthy mug two-thirds full, top off with Brandy and enjoy with someone who needs a little warming up.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I didn't expect a new post because there was no airing yesterday. That was a very good surprise.
Side Dish - 16th Nov.
Re-post with pictures.
Dear Friends,
It's 6:00 AM and I'm sitting cross-legged on my couch while my husband sleeps quietly in the next room. Usually this time of day is relaxing for me, but not today. In fact, today I feel panicked because I'm typing the first tentative lines of my food blog and, as my closest friends can tell you, writing has never been my strong suit. Some of you may recall my attempt in high school at self-publishing the comic: Johnny Truth and the Big Secret Squad.
I don't want to call it a dismal failure, but let's just say I couldn't even convince my parents to buy a copy. But I've been poked enough times by friends and colleagues to put a few of my kitchen and culinary musings into print to reconsider my literary ambitions. I know you were hoping for a cookbook, but after Johnny Truth, this seems like a more manageable first step. Who knows? A blog today, a cookbook tomorrow...
Part of the deal with my little online journal is that it remain amongst my friends. The truth is that as much as I love my slumbering husband, I've become entangled in his family's life rather profoundly and I'm looking for a bit of an escape. I want to talk about my thoughts on cooking, recipes, restaurants and all of my culinary adventures free from the Walker family's web of gossip. As much as I love my Mother-in-Law she has her way of making a Hollandaise sauce and I have mine.
Because it's my first post and it's so early in the morning it seems fitting to start with breakfast and a few thoughts on a kitchen classic that is all too easy to get wrong: the poached egg.
And, believe me, over the years I've gotten the poached egg wrong. In fact one of my first recipes was a Zucchini Summer Stew with a poached egg on top. I first made it for my Dad when I was 9 and my Mom was out of town visiting Granny. It was so good he hasn't stopped asking me to make it for him since. Coming up with the recipe (which I can share later) was the easy part – poaching the egg proved a good deal harder.
So here are my favorite egg poaching pointers – I wish I had these when I was 9:
• You need to use a fresh egg. There's no substitute for that. Trust. Me.
• I always add a tiny bit of vinegar to the water first (about 1 TBSP per pint). Something about the chemicals helps to keep the egg together as it cooks.
• Bring the water only to the slightest boil. A roaring boil can pock the egg and leave bubbles.
• To make sure your egg is perfectly shaped, crack it into a small bowl first, and then tip the egg from the bowl into the boiling water.
Two other things. First, I'm not a believer in the whirlpool technique for poaching eggs. I've tried this "chef secret" many times and just find it messy. I used to work with a sous chef who liked to say: "Whirlpools are for happy blokes, not cracked yokes." I couldn't agree more.
Second, don't overcook the egg. It probably needs a maximum of 3 minutes, covered. A runny yoke is always preferred, unless you are classless. (You know who you are.)
I like to serve my eggs with salt and pepper on toasted bread smeared with the slightest bit of White Truffle Butter. My sister-in-law just brought me a tiny jar of the stuff from a recent trip to France. Now don't think that I am one of those people who thinks that everything taste better with truffles. But I do think that starting your day off with a bit of class can only lead to good things.
And on that note I think I may just open up that bottle of Champagne that has been sitting in the back of my fridge, make a Mimosa, and bring sleeping beauty some breakfast in bed.
Monday, 16 November 2009
It's started!!!
Obviously it's better to read it on its own website though, I would like to copy them here.
Side Dish
Get weekly dish from Scotty Wandell as he talks about his favorite recipes, cooking adventures and thoughts on the latest Walker drama.
Dear Friends,
It's 6:00 AM and I'm sitting cross-legged on my couch while my husband sleeps quietly in the next room. Usually this time of day is relaxing for me, but not today. In fact, today I feel panicked because I'm typing the first tentative lines of my food blog and, as my closest friends can tell you, writing has never been my strong suit. Some of you may recall my attempt in high school at self-publishing the comic: Johnny Truth and the Big Secret Squad.
I don't want to call it a dismal failure, but let's just say I couldn't even convince my parents to buy a copy. But I've been poked enough times by friends and colleagues to put a few of my kitchen and culinary musings into print to reconsider my literary ambitions. I know you were hoping for a cookbook, but after Johnny Truth, this seems like a more manageable first step. Who knows? A blog today, a cookbook tomorrow...
Part of the deal with my little online journal is that it remain amongst my friends. The truth is that as much as I love my slumbering husband, I've become entangled in his family's life rather profoundly and I'm looking for a bit of an escape. I want to talk about my thoughts on cooking, recipes, restaurants and all of my culinary adventures free from the Walker family's web of gossip. As much as I love my Mother-in-Law she has her way of making a Hollandaise sauce and I have mine.
Because it's my first post and it's so early in the morning it seems fitting to start with breakfast and a few thoughts on a kitchen classic that is all too easy to get wrong: the poached egg.
And, believe me, over the years I've gotten the poached egg wrong. In fact one of my first recipes was a Zucchini Summer Stew with a poached egg on top. I first made it for my Dad when I was 9 and my Mom was out of town visiting Granny. It was so good he hasn't stopped asking me to make it for him since. Coming up with the recipe (which I can share later) was the easy part – poaching the egg proved a good deal harder.
So here are my favorite egg poaching pointers – I wish I had these when I was 9:
• You need to use a fresh egg. There's no substitute for that. Trust. Me.
• I always add a tiny bit of vinegar to the water first (about 1 TBSP per pint). Something about the chemicals helps to keep the egg together as it cooks.
• Bring the water only to the slightest boil. A roaring boil can pock the egg and leave bubbles.
• To make sure your egg is perfectly shaped, crack it into a small bowl first, and then tip the egg from the bowl into the boiling water.
Two other things. First, I'm not a believer in the whirlpool technique for poaching eggs. I've tried this "chef secret" many times and just find it messy. I used to work with a sous chef who liked to say: "Whirlpools are for happy blokes, not cracked yokes." I couldn't agree more.
Second, don't overcook the egg. It probably needs a maximum of 3 minutes, covered. A runny yoke is always preferred, unless you are classless. (You know who you are.)
I like to serve my eggs with salt and pepper on toasted bread smeared with the slightest bit of White Truffle Butter. My sister-in-law just brought me a tiny jar of the stuff from a recent trip to France. Now don't think that I am one of those people who thinks that everything taste better with truffles. But I do think that starting your day off with a bit of class can only lead to good things.
And on that note I think I may just open up that bottle of Champagne that has been sitting in the back of my fridge, make a Mimosa, and bring sleeping beauty some breakfast in bed.
I can't wait to read next blog already.
Brothers & Sisters S4E08
How cute Scotty is! I love his shirt.
Friday, 13 November 2009
SIDE DISH - Scotty's Food Blog
Luke is gonna blog as Scotty. It's "SIDE DISH" and will start this coming Monday, 16th. You can check it out on the website, Bloggers & Sisters.
Beginning this Monday (November 16) Scotty Wandell fans have a new weekly treat to look forward to – SIDE DISH, Scotty’s very own food blog. But wait, Scotty’s a fictional who is actually going to be writing this new blog? Well, who knows Scotty better than Luke Macfarlane himself
“All my life, I’ve loved writing. In high school I used to write short stories all the time. So when I first had the idea of writing a food blog as Scotty, I knew that I also wanted to do most of the writing. I asked John Kazlauskas to be involved as well, but it's just the two of us who will be writing everything you see posted.”
But that’s the last time you’ll hear that Luke and John are doing the writing:
“We wanted this to come completely from Scotty’s world -- to feel totally real and intimate. Like the show is alive outside of Sunday night. So you won’t see John’s or my name anywhere on the blog. This is from Scotty. Even down to the pictures we’re taking. We’re not going to use ABC publicity stills from the show. We’re doing what Scotty would do: take pictures with his phone.”
How did the idea for the blog come about?
“I love going out to eat and the idea came while I was out eating with some friends. It just seemed like a fun opportunity to explore more about who Scotty is. And, unlike Scotty, I’m not much of a cook so this is a chance for me to learn something, too.”
What can we expect to see on the blog?
“It’s basically everything food-related that’s going on for Scotty when he’s not on screen. It might be his musings on a particular food or food trend, his kitchen tips, a copy of his favorite recipes or just stories about his random culinary adventures. But it’s all real. John and I are actually doing everything we write about whether it’s pickling beets or doing a tasting of frozen TV dinners. It’s going to be a lot of fun”
SIDE DISH launches on Monday, November 16. A new SIDE DISH will be posted the Monday following every new episode of BROTHERS & SISTERS.
I can't wait to start reading his blog as Scotty! I think it's a great interaction between Luke and his fans. He hasn't been around much as himself, but at least we can see him on the website as Scotty from now on. And he still can keep his private life as his own. I would like to thank for this wonderful idea. And the same time, I'm a little jealous of the writer, John, because he can work with Luke!
Monday, 9 November 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E07
I love "Scotty and Dad" moments. I really like writers lately because they made Scotty as a human being, not garnish. He has his own stories with Nora or Michell or Dad, not always with Kevin.
As Kong said, I reckon this season is for Calista. Main stream is her cancer story. But it doesn't matter. As long as Scotty gets good scenes or lines, I truely am looking forward to the next episode every week.
But I'm afraid there'll be coming Ryan story in the next episode or very near future, because there wasn't any stories in this episode. Last week there was a short Ryan story that seemed he stole some information from Ojai Foods and gave it to a enemy.
Anyway I'm thinking how Scotty's dad's story influences Scotty and Kevin. Does it make their lives more complicated, or just a story?
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Monday, 2 November 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E06
I don't know how to say. I'm happy with having a concrete storyline involving Scotty, but I've got a sort of uneasiness. Probably I don't want to let them have a baby yet. I think I should patiently watch the progress of this storyline.
In this episode, Tomy has showed up. To tell the truth, I didn't like his character in this family, but in this episode he told Nora what he thought, and as you know if you come here several times, I don't like Nora, so I felt a little sympathy with him.
Anyways I'm pretty satisfied with having Luke in Brothers & Sisters as not being like a Julia. And I love the scene where Scotty holds Kevin's shoulder. I want to be a Kevin.
I wrote maybe more than a few times, this season is much much much better than season 3, and I guess many people agree with that. The Gays of Daytime's admin wrote
"I must say I like how Scotty is growing in this relationship. Scotty as Kevin's little pet was not so much fun, Scotty the grown up husband - much better!"I strongly agree with him. I want to thank to the writers of Brothers & Sisters for their scripts of the Season 4 for Scotty.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
YouTube Clip

The latest clip of Brothers & Sisters, Season 4 Episode 5 part 2 has been deleted by YouTube because of Disney's claim of copyrights.
I don't know how long I can survive this time though, I'm going to upload next episode.
If my account will be suspended again, I probably will give up staying there. But I've got no idea how to deal with it if I want to share Luke with many people.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E05
Definitely this season is much much much much better than season 3. And I would say Scotty finally become a human being not a living angel. I actually love the scene where Scotty tells Kevin that he thinks how Kevin thinks about their relationship, and how he feels about it. Also another fabulous part, the end of the scene where Scotty is holding a baby, I think this is one of the most adorable scene.
Kevin: Look, I didn't wanna dance.
Scotty: Oh my god, you can't do it.
Kevin: If it's still equal, why don't you do it.
Sarah: Come on, Kevin. This is really starting to piss me off.
Scotty: No, no, no. It's not about being the girl, it's about following, isn't it? No one's allowed to make any decisions, but you aren't supposed to following do whatever you want.
Kevin: I never boss you around.
Scotty: Some other old important decisions were always yours. Where we live, when we have a baby, how we have a baby, who takes care of the baby after it's formed.
Kevin: I'm sorry I'm not having this argument.
Scotty: Oh, when we have an argument?
Saul: I think Tango was not a good idea.
Scotty: You know what, I'm making a decision now. We're leaving. Good night, everybody. Luc, thank you for a wonderful meal, I'm sorry if we spoiled your dance lesson.
Justin: Kevin, I think you should follow.
And one more thing. When they call Gilles Marini, Luc, I feel like Luke is called. It's a sort of confusing. Of course I know Luke is Scotty here.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Brothers & Sisters - Soundbite 405
Monday, 19 October 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E04
Well, no Scotty this time. I waited for a week then have to wait one more week to see Scotty. But according to some resources, he'll be in next episode and would be good one.
I'm also thinking that I should upload another clip which is about my another favourite character, Sarah. Sarah met a guy in France. That's good for Sarah. She should have one. She deserves it.
Here it is.
Sarah met a guy in France. Personally I'm not a big fun of him though, it's good for Sarah.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E03
Besides that, I reckon this season is much much better than Season 3. I mean those kinds of arguments always exist in this family. So this season has a lot of Scotty moments comparing to last season, so far. And also Scotty has some scenes without Kevin. I've really been wanting such scenes. I didn't want Scotty to be like a Julia. I'm saying I didn't want him to be a garnish. At least they have a baby story, so we can see Scotty scenes more than last season, I guess.
To be honest, I don't want to have baby surrogacy story in every episode though, it's good for Luke to be there having lines with those stories. I thought it might be better to make it as only one clip but if I cut Kevin & Kitty scene, it wouldn't make any sense, so I decided to make them into two clips.
Scotty: Can I say something that's wildly inappropriate?Scotty is a so nice person. Then the end of this conversation, we have
Kevin: If it has anything to do with death, dying or cancer, I don't think I can take it.
Scotty: Actually, it's about the opposite.
Kevin: Okay.
Scotty: Let's have a baby. (Kevin turns to Scotty) I warned you it was inappropriate.
Kevin: I'm touched that you wanna do this for me, but having a baby... it's just not gonna help.
Scotty: I'm not trying to help. You know, ever since this surrogacy idea came up, I've been obsessed with that a huge obligation ...
.And then tonight, I don't wanna wait until the right time to have a baby. There is no right time.
Kevin: But there is a wrong time. All I can do right now is think about Kitty, and that wouldn't be fair to a baby or to you. Maybe in a couple of months?
Scotty: Now you sound like me.
Kevin: I'm sorry.
Scotty: No, we'll wait.
Kevin: I love you.That's definitely worth to hear.
Scotty: I love you, too.
And I like the scene where Scotty uses a website which supplies the sound of baby's cry. Actually I feel like "Well done, Scotty".
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Season 4 Episode 3, Sneak peek
clip: BroandSisTV
There are more sneak peeks but Scotty is in only this one.
Scotty: Chemo? Radiation?I hope Luke got more lines than this.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E02
I guess this episode is quite good. Scotty can be seen more than I expected. Usually I'm not a big fan of Nora and Kitty though, I like them in this episode.
Kevin: I'm saying is you're great with kids.
Scotty: Oh, that's because I live with one.
I love this line! also
Scotty: I never stop loving you, Kevin.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E01
At last, Scotty is here. I love Scotty & Kevin's moments, even though they are arguing. At the end of the engagement party, a girl asks to Scotty if the party is over, then he replies "Yeah, it's over" and drinks a glass of wine. I love his reaction.
Sometimes Kevin irritates me. Kevin is a sort of rushing to having baby, and Scotty asked to Kevin not talking about surrogate things at party, but he did. The end of this clip, Kevin says "It's been two years being scared to committing to us to you, so it's my turn to wait." Actually it sounds like an accusation to Scotty to me. I feel very sorry for Scotty.
Thinking about Scotty & Kevin as a couple, probably I wrote somewhere. Kevin is the person who is always messing something up and Scotty is the person who is always cleaning his ass up. I guess Scotty is patient too much sometimes, and he is so much nice person. It's a sort of unreal. But.... I want Scotty.
I reckon Kevin has become a little unpleasant to me. Actually from the beginning he is such high-handed, self-centered and self-conceited. But his cuteness counterbalances it. I very much understand why Scotty cares Kevin. Recalling the episode 8 of Season 3, one of my favourite scenes, Kevin asked to Scotty "Why would you even love me?", Scotty replied "I don't love you because of how much money you make, or because you take care of me. I love you because your heart is bigger than your very annoying brain. And even if you do want to be competitive with me, it wouldn’t make sense, because you're the reason I am who I am now." Strictly speaking, the situation is a little different though, I hope my understanding is not far from his thoughts.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Brothers & Sisters - Soundbite Season 4
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Behind the Scenes - Brothers & Sisters Season 4
There is no sound or it's quite low. Luke looks happy with his co-casts.
Three more days until Season 4!
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Season 4 Episode 1, Sneak peek
clip: BroandSisTV
Here is another sneak peek from Brothers & Sisters. Scotty & Kevin is talking about their baby adoption. Kevin is rushing to having baby, he talks about money problems, but Scotty is more considerable. Scotty says he needs some more time to think about a lot of things.
Kevin: Are you having second thoughts about this?I love their conversation. I don't remember if I've mentioned about this before, I think Kevin is the person who always makes problems, and Scotty is the one who always wipes his mess up.
Scotty: No..... maybe.
To tell the truth, I actually lost interest with story line of Brothers & Sisters except Kevin & Scotty's relationship. If they'll show a lot of stories of Kevin & Scotty, it would make me more interested in again.
Anyway I'm just looking forward to seeing Luke on TV again soon. I can't wait.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Luke won the best supporting actor @ AfterElton

There were polls, 1st Annual Primetime Visibility Awards Winners, at AfterElton and Luke won in the genre of the best supporting actor. As a gay character, he got 2nd place.
Of course I voted for Luke on both categories.
Also there are some soundbytes. You can watch them at Luke Macfarlane Online. He talks about Scotty & Kevin. I think he's become more confident and comfortable with those kinds of interviews. That's pretty nice, I assume.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Kevin & Scotty's clips from YouTube

My YouTube account has been suspended. So many clips are not available from now on. I'm trying to find the way to live with that.
Mainly they are Kevin & Scotty's clips, Luke's clips besides B&S and some Walker family clips.
I knew it would happen sooner or later. After I got the second warning, I didn't get the another one, so I'd expected a little that I might not get suspension, but it happened. I'm sad and disappointed right now.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Season 4 Episode 1, Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek of S4E01, Brothers & Sisters
You know what, I can't wait. I actually don't expect much of their stories right now, but only thing I'm really waiting is the fact that I can see Luke again on TV.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
DVD BOXSET - Season 3

DVD Boxset, region 1, was released on yesterday. Region 2 will be released on October 19, 2009.
According to Kong Chang, Luke is in the bloopers and the deleted scenes. I'm so excited and I can't wait to get it.
I was wondering whether I should buy region 1 because of being able to get it soon, but region 2 is more convenient for me, so I decided to buy region 2. Now I have to be patient for a while.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
TVSA Interview: Luke Macfarlane
Also you can see this interview on LMO, too.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Interview at M-Net's All Access (Luke & Dave)
I feel like I saw this interview somewhere....
Anyway in this interview, Luke leads a conversation. I guess lately he feels more comfortable with being interviewed gradually.
I love his talking.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Facebook fanpage

On Facebook, if you have more than 1,000 fans on your fanpage, you would get a direct link.
Now Luke Macfarlane fan page, managed by KongChang, has 1,005 fans then it got a direct link check it out!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Brothers & Sisters S4E1 spoilers

I'm not sure if I should be happy with it. Having a child means they become parents, it means they are not in romantic mood anymore. That will make them more related with family issues, not their own. I can't explain well, but I hope the writers won't ruin their position in the show anymore.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Facebook fanpage

If you're a fan of Brothers & Sisters Luke Macfarlane (Scotty Wandell), become a fan today!
If Luke's fanpage hits 1000 members, the representative of this fanpage can convert the address into a permanent fixture.
Iron Road article
This June in Canada, there are several premieres have been held and finally it'll be appeared on TV.
Here is an article on CBCnews website.
The film premiered in June at a fundraiser in support of The Foundation to Commemorate the Chinese Railroad Workers in Canada at York University, Toronto.
It opens Tuesday at Toronto's Royal Cinema. The film has independent distribution in Canada, and will show at cinemas such as the Fifth Avenue in Vancouver, the Plaza in Calgary and the Princess Twin Cinema in Waterloo, Ont., over the next two weeks.
It will screen on CBC as a two-part miniseries on Aug. 9 and 16.
Original article is Iron Road's love story forged on Canada's railway.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Iron Road Interviews
Also there is an article China-Canada co-production IRON ROAD, Premieres August 9th and 16th on CBC Television.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Iron Road premiers in Toronto, Canada

It hasn't been aired in any countries so far, only released DVD from UK. And this is an uncertain source though, it will be premiered in China, at a theatre or an university.

There is an article, Chinese-Canadian epic "Iron Road" premiers in Toronto, in English, also there is a clip. It's explaining about Iron Road. Here is a link for the video.

World Premiere (Canada):
*York University, the Price Family Cinema (Toronto, Ontario),
June 14th, 2009 @ 1:00pm Visit the Online Boxoffice to purchase
*Acadia Cinema (Wolfville, Nova Scotia), June 14th, 2009 @ 8:00pm (902) 542-3344
*Roxy Theatre (Owen Sound, Ontario), June 25th, 2009 @ 7:00pm (519)371-2833
*The Royal (Toronto, Ontario), July 21st, 2009 @ 7:00pm (416)534-5252
*Fifth Avenue (Vancouver, British Columbia), July 29th, 2009 @ 7:00pm (604)734-7469
*Plaza (Calgary, Alberta), July 30th, 2009 @ 7:00pm (403)283-2222
*Princess Twin Cinema , July 30th, 2009 @ 7:00pm (519)885-2950
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The best episode in Season 3
Episode 1

- Talking about glass house's key on the phone
- At glass house, two of them
- Family arrival
- At bed room
- Next morning
Episode 3
- Ask Scotty to attend a dinner party
- off the hook?
- Scotty holds Kevin's shoulder while watching diving competition
Episode 5
- Kevin, I'm talking.
- Scotty's parents visit Kevin's flat

- Talking on the phone
- At dinner party 1
- At dinner party 2
- All I wanted was a hug
- Parents are leaving
Episode 8
- Swinging a cat
- At Sun Estaphe
- Scotty arrives at Sarah's place
- Kevin hints about a present
- Dinner
- Why would you even love me?

- Outside kiss
Episode 9
- New house tour?
- That is hot
- Almost killed him
- Kitty's speech
- Do I get...
Episode 10
- Kevin gets a phone-call from Tommy
- At hospital, Kevin is a father
- Scotty tries to get back home to pick some stuffs up
- Sarah comes in and orders Chinese food

- Kevin & Scotty in a hospital room
- Kevin leaves for the surgeon room
- Thanks giving 1
- Thanks giving 2
Episode 11
- Kevin's dream 1
- Kevin's dream 2
- Your mother offered and YOU accepted
- Julia says Kevin had a bad dream
- Kevin decided to take a shower
- Kevin's dream 3

- Scotty talks with Justin
- Kevin escaped!
- Scotty found out where Kevin is
- Oh my God Scotty, look, I can explain everything
- Scotty gets apology from Nora
- I'd like to have kids someday
Episode 14
- At Sun Estaphe with Saul
- Saul brings Henry
- Game time
- Presents' time
Episode 16-17

- Dinner at the Walkers 1
- Dinner at the Walkers 2
- Talking on the phone
- Setting baby seat on the car
- Kitty finds out Robert is on TV
- Scotty embraces Kevin
- Kevin's speech
Episode 18
- Party at the Walkers 1
- Ryan sees Scotty & Kevin are talking
- Ryan tells Nora about Tommy
Episode 19

- Sarah interruptus
- re-schedule
Episode 20
- At the opening party talking to Kitty
- At the opening party talking to Robert
- I can call an ambulance now?
Episode 21
- Scotty comes back from work
- At bar with Chad
- Shirtless!!!
- At Sun Estaphe
Episode 22

- Kevin decides to pay money for Julia
- Scotty says sorry to Kevin
- Dinner at the Walkers
- I'm gonna let me go before I start to cry
Episode 23
- With Sarah
Episode 24
- I'll be here when you get back
Actually the poll is not the best episode. It is "Now that Brothers & Sisters Season 3 is over, which episode did you enjoy Luke in the most?" So basically I need to choose the best Luke scene. But here, I'd like to think about their stories.
Through the point of the exposure length, I think episode 5 is the best one, but from the point of the story, I guess episode 3 is the best for me. I also like episode 10, but it's a sort of cliché. I mean it's a wonderful episode but it's a kind of story that everybody likes.
My favourite scenes are E3-Scotty holds Kevin's shoulder as watching a diving competition, E5-Kevin says all he wanted was a hug, E8-Kevin asks Scotty why he would even love him and THE outside kiss, E10-at hospital, their conversation and together in their bed, E11-they talk about kids, E14-conversation among four, Scotty, Kevin, Saul and Henry, E19-Sarah interruptus, E21-SHIRTLESS, S22-the last scene with Julia, S23-with Sarah and S24-Kevin, I know you.
After all, I can't decide which one I should choose.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Luke in South Africa

Luke & Dave are in South Africa
Because of promoting new season of Brothers & Sisters in South Africa, Luke Macfarlane and Dave Annable were on a radio show, Kfm Breafast with Ryan O'Connor. The new season of B&S will be aired later this year in South Africa.
Here is an article from their website. As written in this article, if you click the picture, bottom one, you will find some pictures of Luke and Dave.

Although I've got no idea where they go after this promotion, I hope they'll have a nice trip. It's good to know Luke is getting along with Dave.
When Luke went to Italy on another promotion before, he was with Dave and Balthazar Getty. I saw some clips of their interview. The interview itself was held in English though, introduction of these three guys were in Italian, and it sounded so nice.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Kevin & Scotty, as a couple

I was very happy when Luke had become a regular, because I thought I would be able to see him in most episodes and probably have good scenes with Kevin a lot. But in the fact, after becoming a regular, basically Scotty was involved with the Walkers in almost all episodes when he was there. Only a few episodes were set for them as a couple. When he was a guest star, in Season 1 & 2, they had their own stories.

For some reason, I don't like Nora much. She is controlling, manipulative, self-centered, suffocating... Because Sally Field is such a good actress, whenever Nora becomes hectic, I feel very unpleasant. I guess I should apologise to Nora's fan.

As a couple, Kevin & Scotty used to be an ideal couple to me, but unfortunately Scotty is described as a very saint by script writers. I like gentle Scotty though, I think he needs more humanity, I mean, Scotty is too much saint. Sometimes he gets angry but he changes his mind soon and apologises to Kevin or forgives him, even though Kevin is the one who should apologise to Scotty.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Look back on Season 3

I usually don't like to write a bad thing which might hurt someone. But since I reckon not so many people are reading this blog, it would be okay perhaps...
I was quite disappointed with the third season finale. It's not only the thing where Scotty didn't show up much but the storyline itself. How could they make such an idiot storyline? Actually I expected this feeling because of some sneak peeks though, it was worse than I expected.

Honestly I'd like to think it will be better in the fourth season for Luke's sake.
Monday, 11 May 2009
The The 2009 AfterElton Hot 100
The 2009 AfterElton Hot 100
3. Luke MacFarlane 
The twinkling blue eyes of our #3 entry have inspired readers to come together every Sunday night hoping to get even just a glimpse of those dimples on ABC’s Brothers & Sisters.
It was on B&S that readers first fell in love with this Canadian-born actor who portrays half of the show’s gay supercouple and one of the only same-sex male couples on television. Luke is Scotty Wandell to Matthew Rhys’ Kevin Walker and together last fall, they had the first primetime gay wedding on U.S. television between regularly recurring characters. On top of that, they have the unusual distinction of being the only functional relationship on the entire show. Score one for gay marriage!
While readers are adamant that there’s still just not enough of Luke on the show, the shy, out-and-proud actor keeps himself busy by having recently starred in the Canadian miniseries Iron Road as well as on stage in The Jazz Age as F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Luke also inspired many with his decision to come out last April, which propelled him to the 3# spot on last year’s list. Who knows? If Brothers & Sisters gives Scotty and Kevin a bit more screen time next season, a certain Canadian might just come out on top!
34. Matthew Rhys