Monday, 5 November 2007

Brothers & Sisters S2E06

"Two Places"

Scotty wearing glasses is priceless!!

Kevin: Ah, Jason, I've tried every number you've given me, and I know I'm about to leave you the worst answering machine message in history. But I don't have a choice. Umm, there's no wedding, because there's no baby. Kitty had a miscarriage... so I'm sure Robert would love to hear from you. I'd love to hear from you. Anyway I hope you are okay, Bye.
Scotty: I'm really sorry.
Kevin: Yeah. Me, too.
Scotty: Is there anything I can do?
Kevin: Yeah, you can deflate the mattress when you leave. I tripped on it earlier, almost killed myself.
Scotty: I'm serious, Kevin. After everything you've done for me.
Kevin: No. No, there is nothing. Thank you for the thought, though.

The beginning of their relationship again, but this time is different. It should be. I don't understand why Jason doesn't call back to Kevin.

Scotty: Well, if you're feeling romantic about him, The Thorn Birds. If you're angry at him, The Exorcist. And if you're just in the mood for a good time, and my personal favorite, Glitter.
Kevin: Let's start with The Exorcist.

So, Kevin is mad at Jason. Of course I understand, because he never calls back.

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