Monday, 18 February 2008

Brothers & Sisters S2E12


This is another cute episode. I like the fact that Kevin wants to be thought gentle and funny guy by Scotty's friends but he really can't do it by nature.

Scotty: Okay, I know my friends weren't the warmest last night.
Kevin: I should've worn a parka.
Scotty: They were just being protective.
Kevin: From what? Me?
Scotty: You have to admit, our history has been a little bit checkered.
Kevin: I'm not solely responsible for the checkering, okay?
Scotty: They'll warm up to you. You're different. They're more bohemian.
Kevin: Come on, admit it. They just think I'm boring.
Scotty: No, they just think you're ..... uptight.
Kevin: I'm not uptight.
Scotty: Okay. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

The last of this conversation, Scotty says "At least they think you're cute." I love his saying. I would love to hear it from Scotty!

Sarah: Come on, Kevin. We're Walkers. Let's go do what Walkers do best!
Kevin: Get drunk? Okay.

Ah, Sarah, I love you. I like Kevin & Sarah's conversation. Sarah is my favourite role in the Walkers.

Sarah: Do you want Scotty's friends to know what a warm, caring, fan guy Kevin Walker is?
Kevin: Yes.
Sarah: Then drink up and get stupid with me.

"GET STUPID WITH ME." That's very Sarah. It reminds me a scene from Season 1 Episode 9, Sarah, Tommy & Kevin went to road trip and dropped an army bar, there Sarah behaved exactly like her.

Scotty: This is incredibly sweet, but I think I should probably put him out of his misery.

They are the cutest couple ever!
I also like Kevin & Sarah's conversation. Actually Matthew can sing much much better than this singing.

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