Thursday, 12 February 2009

IRON ROAD (2008)

James Nichol

I've just finished watching IRON ROAD, Luke is fantastic!
He is very talented and gorgeous.
I think James(Luke) shows a sort of maturing process as an adult. He was an irresponsible son of a rich man, but he was sent to China to hire people, then he gradually becomes a responsible and reliable man.
Iron Road has two parts and each of them are 1.5 hrs long, so it's so difficult to make a clip only for 10 min., because at YouTube there is a rule each clip has to be less than 11 min.
I can't share my thought with other people because I don't want to make someone uncomfortable. For instance, I read some post that were referring about Melanie who was dumped by James and they say "poor Melanie". But I don't feel anything like that, and also I am happy about James and Tiger's relationship didn't go far. Am I a cold blood?

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