Monday, 2 October 2006

Brothers & Sisters S1E02

"An Act of Will"

This is the episode that Kevin meets Scotty for the first time.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am "a gay", so I mean..., whatever. err... Could... How did you know?
Scotty: So you're, like, all in the closet. In this day and age?
Kevin: No, actually I'm not in the closet at all, I'm open and proud.
Scotty: You're not proud, you're trying to pass.

Many people wonder how Scotty found out Kevin was gay, I also have same question, but Scotty talks about something in next episode's preview (Season 1 Episode 3). This scene wasn't aired on the original episode 2 though, probably editor decided to show us the interaction between Scotty & Kevin. Unfortunately I don't get it, Scotty says "I usually steer clear of your kind. I like a man who's not afraid of a little eyeliner. Or, you know, a lot." What is it supposed to mean?

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